Τhe General Hospital – Health Center of Kymi Evia, was founded on May 29th 1964,with the No 302 Royal Decree. This hospital could accommodate 30 beds.
The first years it was hosted in a beautiful neoclassic building in the center of the city, while later it was transported in another more spacious building. During the means of decade of ΄70 an effort was made for the construction of a new Hospital, which was finally inaugurated on 15/8/1980,by the minister of Social services, Mr Spyros Doxiadis.
Then, under the National Health System, new specialities were added as well as the operation of Health Center, to the interest of primary Health Care.
Nowadays health services are provided in basic specialities, while under the Sanitary Reform new actions and functions are to be planned in order to upgrade the provided health services to permanent residents and to the thousands tourists of the region Kymi and Skyros.
Honouring the offspring of Kymi, the famous doctor George N.Papanicolaou, the Hospital was later renamed to “General Hospital of Kymi, George Papanicolaou” (1983).