Thinprep Pap test


A new method for the monitoring of cells which are taken from the cervix is being used recently 

It is named : Thin Prep Pap -Test.

The sample is taken with a special little brush, which is afterwards placed in a small bottle filled with a preservative, the liquid Thin Prep and is rinsed well.
In this way all collected cells are transported into the ThinPrep liquid, where their proper maintainance is ensured. This method is named Cytology Liquid Phase and apart from the test Pap is also used in other tests as well.
How does this work?

After removing blood and mucus, the liquid is centrifuged and prepared in a way that all of the cells of the sample are discernible.
The advantage of this method is that both the examination and the diagnosis are easier and more reliable. It is estimated that the precision of the diagnostic procedure may extend up to 25%. This gives us total precision of the test approximately 90%. This percentage is also exceptionally high and plays very important role, specifically in cases of follow-up (if previous damage of cervix occurs) or in patients with suspect findings or innacurate diagnoses.
Are there any other advantages?
In the sample that it is taken from the cervix of uterus and is to be examined with liquid phase cytology (Thin prep), we can also detect and standardise viral strains of human papilloma virus HPV and also examine for chlamydia and other infectious factors (e.g mykoplasma,ureaplasma, HSV ).
Where is this test provided and how much does it cost?
The test is provided by any gynecological surgery and it is a little more expensive than the simple Pap test.
In conclusion,
reliable studies worldwide have proved that ThinPrep Pap Test gives more precise results compared to the classic Pap test. The method has been approved by the American Organisation of Approvals of Food and Medicines (FDA) since 1996 and represents today the most sensitive method of prevention and diagnosis of cervical cancer.