Dr George and Mahi–Mary Papanicolaou/My collaboration with them


I was yearning for this book my entire life”, says its writer and student of G. Papanicolaou, Dr Neda Voutsa – Perdiki. The book which was published recently in Athens by  Athens Medical association, is titled: “Dr George and Mahi– Mary Papanicolaou/My collaboration with them”, reveals the intention of Dr Voutsa to inform the public about her life near the Papanicolaou couple, during her short stay in the USA.

“I will always remember the time that I shared with them with great gratitude”, says the writer in the introduction.
“ I had the privilege to take part – even for a small period of time- in their creative work”.
The book is enriched with original letters, press releases, Mrs Voutsa personal experiences, as well as stories deriving from persons that had leading role in the everyday routine of George and Mary Papanicolaou. Besides, the book contains the correspondence of Mrs Voutsa with Mary Papanicolaou, after the death
of Dr Pap.This exchange of letters was continued without interruption even when Neda returned to Greece, up to Mary’s death in 1982.
The publication aims to enlighten certain sides of Dr Pap, who “marked the history of modern medical science”.